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Model info

  • Name addisonvodka
  • Age 25
  • Languages English
  • Last live show March 13 2025
  • Tags # Couples cams # HD

addisonvodka is one heck of a cam girl: blonde, blue eyes with a killer gym body. She looks a bit like Gisele Bundchen, so prepare yourself to watch a top-model-like-camgirl performing online sex shows. Her shows are free to watch, but some tips in the form of tokens will make her wanna take off her panties faster that you can pronounce "Cum".

And guess what? This stunning webcam girl loves life and knows how to have fun. addisonvodka enjoys drinking (not a surprise given her stage name😊), having fun and most importantly being slutty. Does this sound good enough for you to take a peek at her live porn shows? Well, CamWorldX always brings the good news and some awesome webcam shows to spice up your life. Gear yourself up for a wild night with this gorgeous babe and her sexy cam shows.

Also, you might be asking yourself what are the sex tricks that make addisonvodka stand out from the crowd of camgirls out there? Well, yeah good question: maybe it is her disco butt plugs?! She is born on May 14, so she is a sexy Taurus with whom you might get an instant connection. You know that saying about the perfect woman: good in kitchen, good in bed. Well Addison might be the one, as you will see in her wishlist a lot of home decor products and sexy lingerie. She is nominated as 2023 Rookie of the year at the CammyAwards. We personally think she deserves to receive this prize as she is born to be sex star. What do you think?